Early Release Day!!
Today was the smoothest Early Release day yet I felt like. I think the kids know what to expect now and their maturity level has greatly improved since the beginning of the year. We were also able to get a lot done today; more than I had anticipated. Yea!
What we're working on:
Reading: oo sound in ooze and in foot
Writing: Informative writing about penguins
Math: +10, -10 with numbers to 120
Science: rocks
The kids have LOVED our unit about rocks! We've learned the 3 types of rocks, whether our rocks would sink or float and how to observe our rocks for their characteristics.
Upcoming topics
Social Studies: landmarks and maps
I have an AWESOME file folder project I got from a recent workshop that I'm totally excited about! I'm hoping that we get to start this next week because there are a lot of interesting parts to it that I think the kids will really enjoy. But, we may hold off and study the presidents next week in honor of President's Day. Hmmm...
Math: Greater than/Less than
Writing: Continuing with informative writing
Science: Habitats

HAHA! This one is SOO true!!
Also VERRY true!!
Ahhh... The life of a teacher. : )
Heard in our classroom...
"Ms. Carter, I just have to tell you something... I have a crush on you!"
They really are adorable sometimes! : )