Wednesday, September 30, 2015

September 30, 2015

Fun in first grade!!

It's Boosterthon time!

We are the Carter's Critters.  :)

Overheard in our classroom:

"Ok, guys.  Whoever picks up the piece of trash on the floor I have my eye on gets a prize."

Commence mad rush through the classroom.

"Ok, guys! Let's not get a concussion just to get a prize!"

Then I hear one of the kids say as they look at something spilled on the floor from lunch:  "Ugh.  It looks like someone had a concussion right there on the floor."


Sunday, September 27, 2015

September 27, 2015
Ok, I've not been good about posting this year!! So to try to get myself back in the routine, I'll post some quick notes and some pictures I've taken in the last few weeks.

Upcoming events:
Boosterthon starts next week.

Things to happen during week 5:
- Watch me whip is now on go noodle - a website I like to use for brain breaks and indoor recess.  The kids FLIPPED OUT! And of course we did this on Friday since we had indoor recess.  Rain, rain go away!

Thursday:  We did a principal interview.  The kids asked our principal some questions so we could practice using question words and writing with question marks.  Some of the questions were absolutely adorable!

Some of my favorite:
1.  Do you ever party in the office?
2.  Have you won a trophy because you're the best principal ever?
3.  What's your favorite color? Is it pink?
4.  Can you bake?
5.  Do you ever have to yell?
6.  Do you miss being a teacher?

The kids thought of some great questions and we are in the process of putting together a class book so that we can share our information.  

Things the kids are reading:
Splat the Cat
What To Do If An Elephant Stands On Your Foot

Things teachers do during spelling tests:  
1.  Accidentally give the bonus words as test words.
2.  Accidentally show the spelling words during the test.  
3.  Accidentally forget to erase the words on the board.

Ms. Carter's never done any of these! No!

Here are some of our pictures:

Silent reading during reading workshop

Brain break!!

Math time:  we were highlighting skipping by 2's, 5's and 10's on hundreds chart so that we could put these in our math journals.  

A hawk we saw flying over the school during recess!!


Flipping dominoes and making addition number sentences

Some of our Me Bag presenters

I bought this for our classroom when I was at the San Diego zoo this summer:

More random work time: