Thursday, October 2, 2014

Fun run day!
The kids were super excited!
Several of the kids got all 35 laps run and a few even did more!

Waiting to leave the room...
We were SOOO excited!!

I think they've gotten used to the camera!  : )

Ha ha!! Love her!!

I absolutely love this picture! I turned around and the kids were just doing this while standing in line.  I really do have some little sweethearts this year!!

The energy level when we were going to the fun run was absolutely sky high! But is was absolutely hilarious to see them in the room afterward.  It was completely silent and I turned up some quiet music and told the kids to relax for a minute to cool down.  I think if I had allowed it the kids would have went to sleep!

I can't help but smile when I'm around this bunch! They brighten my day no matter what is going on.  I look forward to seeing them every morning and they are forever saying things that make me laugh. Yes I get tired and impatient at times, but they seem to always remind me that there is something in life to smile about.  I truly have been blessed by this bunch this year.  : )
And just because...

Pledges are due October 9.  

What to do with 1st graders who cannot sit still any longer???
A brain break! is our favorite website!

Here is our class mascot on gonoodle, aka "Floppy."

Overheard in our classroom...

Sept. 30...
As we were coming in from recess I heard a couple of the kids randomly singing the National Anthem.  Patriotism at its best!

As I was passing out papers the other day and several of the kids were "Ms. Cartering" me (saying my name over and over to get my attention:

Me:  I'm only one woman.
Kid 1:  Not a hundred.
Kid 2:  No, she would be dead by then.  
Kid 1:  How old do you think she is?!
Kid 3:  48?
Kid 2:  No! 16!

Ha ha! Got to love them!

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