Wow! It's been a LONG time since I've posted here. Life has completely gotten in the way - all the craziness and mad rush of ending the school year, then the summer, and then beginning the school year. I first want to say that I am so glad to say that I am still a teacher. Still in first grade.
Now we're in the 3rd week of school and things are going strong. I feel even stronger as a teacher. I feel like I can finely breathe and truly enjoy spending my days with the kiddos learning from them as much as they learn from me. This class is adorable! They ALL have been, but the things these kids say crack me up! I have to be sure not to be drinking my coffee when they want to tell me something because I'm never sure what I may hear.
Things we've been learning:
Reading: Routines and procedures. Starting reading centers: Read to Self, Write to Self, Publishing - this is a new center I'm trying this year. The kids will be working on creating books in this center!
Alphabet review. Handwriting review. Reading decodables with early 1st grade sight words (such as: the, as, I, have).
Writing: Writing about our outsides. Reading I Like Myself. Creating books about school and about ourselves (All About School and All About Me).
Math: Number review. Place value: tens and ones. Finding groups of 10 and leftovers. Writing numbers as tens and ones.
Social Studies: Rules review: playground, cafeteria, hallway, classroom. Citizenship and community helpers: firefighters, police officers.
Things I've learned as a teacher:
1. It's not about the numbers. It's about the kids.
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