Reading: The Itsy Bitsy Spider
This week in reading we've been reading a story version of "The Itsy Bitsy Spider." Of course this means we're singing it as well!
Writing: We're finally finishing up our penguin writing!! I'm so ready to start a new project. Today we did a short writing activity on writing a make-believe story so that our last finishers could finish their final penguin copies today. The kids had to fill out a graphic organizer from Imagine It on writing a make-believe story. They then wrote their story from their graphic organizer. I'm really hoping to start our leprechaun writing tomorrow or Thursday. St. Patrick's Day is almost here!
Math: Using a quick draw to add a 2 digit number to a multiple of 10. The kids seem to really be catching on to this quickly. I'm thinking that we'll start some bigger numbers soon and also do subtraction and word problems using the numbers. If the kids do well with this, we may do an extension project on adding 2 digit numbers to 2 digit numbers (using quick draws most likely).
Here's an example of how quick drawings can be used as the kids get older and add more difficult numbers:
Social Studies: We've started our landforms and map unit and today we worked on the landforms section in our landforms booklet. We also read our Time for Kids issue about women and their jobs since March is women's month. We learned that girls can do any job that boys can do! : )
Plickers: These are assessment cards that the kids can hold up for me to scan with my phone and I can find out where the kids are in their understanding. We tried this out today with a couple of questions and while I like using this, it seems a bit time-consuming. It might work better for older grades. The kids seemed to like the novelty of it, however, and it might be something that I use every so often to draw their attention in.

Our trip to Mrs. Hanes!!
This video took me FOREVER by the way!! I have not idea what was wrong but it seemed like everything went wrong while I was trying to edit/upload this video. Happily, it is finally up - sorry it took me so long! It's not as perfect as I'd like it but after the 4th time reediting the entire thing I decided that it was better to just get the pictures and video up to share instead of taking the chance of it failing me yet again! Phew! Technology! : )
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