Week 13
So I found these signs on teachers pay teachers and I just had to print them out in color and hand them around the classroom...
I love the message that it sends the kids. I've even posted them near my discipline clips just to remind the kids that they are still loved even when they're not quite so lovable. If they learn nothing else in 1st grade, I want them to leave my classroom at the end of the year knowing and believing that this is true.
: )
A couple of weeks ago I was able to go to a state math conference where I was able to learn SO many new ideas! Below are a couple of the things that I bought because of different things that I learned at the conference. I'm really excited to get these into our guided math centers so that the kids can begin to enjoy them!
This one is a ten frame train. The kids take turns spinning the spinner and trying to fill up the ten frames. There are many ways that these can be used and several different game ideas that come with the package. I really like that the ten frames take the kids beyond just 20. They are able to begin to see how continually adding 10 keeps growing the number. This is especially important since they are expected to be able to count to 120 by the end of 1st grade.

I've already showed the kids these, but they've not had the opportunity to play with them yet. They're called Learning Wrapups and they help to reinforce the addition facts the kids are learning. Each card in a set teaches one fact such as +1 and the sets go all the way up to +12. The object is to wrap the string around the card, matching it to the sum on the other side. I'll be interested to see how well the kids can use these. I think there will be somewhat of a learning curve for them but at least in the beginning they will also be practicing some fine motor skills with the manipulating of string back and forth.

This is a hundreds chart mat that is placed on the floor as a HUGE visual for the kids to manipulate. I really like that the chart goes all the way to 120. There are also several cards and squares that can be used to block out or highlight numbers in order to guess answers or see patterns. I also really like that there are a couple of the 4 way squares that can be placed upon a number and then show +1, -1, +10, -10. The inflatable dice will be a valuable tool also because we can used them to play games with the mat. I could also probably just use the dice for a game also. This isn't something that I can see working for a whole class lesson, but I could use this when working with a small group and possibly teach the kids to responsibly use the materials well enough to use them in a student-led small group. We'll see...
Now for some pictures!!!
Hello Kitty
Decade Day!
Friday was out school-wide decade day (I attempted a Rosie the Riveter costume) and this little firstie came in bright and early as a flapper! Too cute!
And then there was this cutie... She was dressed as a pink lady, but I didn't get a chance to get her picture with the complete outfit. This is how I found her at the end of the day. I turned around and there she was up on the counter! : )
When I asked her what in world she was doing she said, "Well, I couldn't reach the paper towels, so I decided to sit on the counter." That's problem-solving for you! : )
Two of the boys also dressed up: one wore tie-dye and another wore his dressy clothes to be a guy from the 70s. : )
It was one of those days so I didn't get their pictures unfortunately. : (
So we're in for a 2 day week this week. We're going to have our Thanksgiving party on Tuesday afternoon and then I won't see my little class for 5 whole days! How ever will I manage!
: )
They make it all worthwhile to get up way too early and go to school. Even on Mondays!
Have a great night! Get some sleep so we can enjoy our 2 day week. : )
Love, Ms. Carter