Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

See you next year!!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Week of December 1, 2014

Reading:  We finished up our unit on Our Neighborhood at Workcommunity by reading a story about Mr. Kang's grocery store.  The kids enjoyed discussing what types of jobs Mr. Kang must do to take care of his store.  We also got the LeapFrog globe out and looked at where Korea is in Asia.  This week we also read a story about firefighters! 
Next week? We're starting a unit all about weather!

Math:  We have begun our unit on time.  First graders are expected to learn how to tell time to the hour and the half hour. During this past week I pre-assessed each student to see what they know about telling time.  I found that most of our class understands how to tell time to the hour, but we are still working on telling time to the half hour.  
     We began using our STACKS guided math rotations during this week.  So far I've found that I like the small groups, but I think I may go away from having "set in stone" centers for math and instead give myself more freedom so that I can have them all doing games if we need or only have two centers when needed.  
     During the next week we will begin a unit on surveys and reading graphs.  Each student will ask a question to conduct their very own survey.  

Look what was outside our window!

Our 4th and 5th grade chorus got to sing at a local Christmas tree lighting and yours truly was able to accompany them.  : ) 
Christmas time is here...

Guess who is visiting our classroom from the North Pole? It's Garland, Santa's scout elf.  She's visiting us until Christmastime comes and she has to return to help out Santa.  Watch out! Garland flies back home each night to report to Santa who's been good and who's been bad.  And you never know what mischief will ensue when Garland's around! Here are a couple of things we've found in our classroom this week:  

Thoughts for the week:

Thanksgiving Party!

Monday, December 1, 2014

December 1, 2014

Look who's visiting our classroom!!

It's Garland! Our class' elf on the shelf.  Who knows what mischief she might create in our classroom each morning?! The kids know that Garland is watching to see if they should be put on the naughty or nice list.  She does get to fly home to the North Pole each night and report back to Santa!!

We also have some new additions to our math block...

This is the guided math rotation chart that we have started using.  I downloaded the pieces from teachers pay teachers (such an amazing site!).  The kids are divided into small groups based on math understanding and then are assigned to a different rotation each day.  We go through all five rotations in a 5 day period.  The rotations consist of:  teacher-led small group, number work, technology, math notebook, and math games.  I will be adjusting these based on what we need and what center activities I have.  Basically each 5 day rotation will have 4 center-type rotations with another rotation where the kids will see me in a small group.  We'll see how this goes to see if we need to adjust things.  

We didn't start on the rotations today, but we instead did a whole-group introduction to our new unit about telling time to the hour and half hour.  We learned some new songs and then completed a worksheet to see how much we understand about telling time.  

Below is my new math word wall.  It's a little crooked (I must have been half-asleep when stapling!) and these words are the vocabulary words from the previous unit.  My goal is to have all the math vocabulary on laminated cards that have pictures illustrating each concept.  I haven't been referring to this word wall with the kids and this is something that I need to do to make sure the kids are using this as a reference.  I might also think about tweaking this to try and have all the math words we know to continually stay up.  Now just to find the wall space...

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Week 13

So I found these signs on teachers pay teachers and I just had to print them out in color and hand them around the classroom...

I love the message that it sends the kids.  I've even posted them near my discipline clips just to remind the kids that they are still loved even when they're not quite so lovable.  If they learn nothing else in 1st grade, I want them to leave my classroom at the end of the year knowing and believing that this is true.  
: )

A couple of weeks ago I was able to go to a state math conference where I was able to learn SO many new ideas! Below are a couple of the things that I bought because of different things that I learned at the conference.  I'm really excited to get these into our guided math centers so that the kids can begin to enjoy them!

This one is a ten frame train.  The kids take turns spinning the spinner and trying to fill up the ten frames.  There are many ways that these can be used and several different game ideas that come with the package.  I really like that the ten frames take the kids beyond just 20.  They are able to begin to see how continually adding 10 keeps growing the number.  This is especially important since they are expected to be able to count to 120 by the end of 1st grade.  

I've already showed the kids these, but they've not had the opportunity to play with them yet.  They're called Learning Wrapups and they help to reinforce the addition facts the kids are learning.  Each card in a set teaches one fact such as +1 and the sets go all the way up to +12.  The object is to wrap the string around the card, matching it to the sum on the other side.  I'll be interested to see how well the kids can use these.  I think there will be somewhat of a learning curve for them but at least in the beginning they will also be practicing some fine motor skills with the manipulating of string back and forth.

This is a hundreds chart mat that is placed on the floor as a HUGE visual for the kids to manipulate.  I really like that the chart goes all the way to 120.  There are also several cards and squares that can be used to block out or highlight numbers in order to guess answers or see patterns.  I also really like that there are a couple of the 4 way squares that can be placed upon a number and then show +1, -1, +10, -10.  The inflatable dice will be a valuable tool also because we can used them to play games with the mat.  I could also probably just use the dice for a game also.  This isn't something that I can see working for a whole class lesson, but I could use this when working with a small group and possibly teach the kids to responsibly use the materials well enough to use them in a student-led small group.  We'll see...

Now for some pictures!!!

Hello Kitty

Decade Day!
Friday was out school-wide decade day (I attempted a Rosie the Riveter costume) and this little firstie came in bright and early as a flapper! Too cute!

And then there was this cutie... She was dressed as a pink lady, but I didn't get a chance to get her picture with the complete outfit.  This is how I found her at the end of the day.  I turned around and there she was up on the counter! : )
When I asked her what in world she was doing she said, "Well, I couldn't reach the paper towels, so I decided to sit on the counter."  That's problem-solving for you! : )

Two of the boys also dressed up:  one wore tie-dye and another wore his dressy clothes to be a guy from the 70s.  : ) 
It was one of those days so I didn't get their pictures unfortunately. : (

So we're in for a 2 day week this week.  We're going to have our Thanksgiving party on Tuesday afternoon and then I won't see my little class for 5 whole days! How ever will I manage! 
: )

They make it all worthwhile to get up way too early and go to school.  Even on Mondays!

Have a great night! Get some sleep so we can enjoy our 2 day week.  : )

Love, Ms. Carter

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Wednesday, November 18, 2014

Encouragement when you least expect it...

These are cards from 2 of my 4th graders:

These kinds of surprises I like.

It's funny how people can say or do something at the right time to make you feel better.  I try to do the same for others, but I don't always know exactly what to say or the right thing to do. But I have a feeling it's like what these kids have done for me without realizing:  just say what's kind and true.  You never know what heart you may touch.  These kids have no idea how encouraging it was for me to read these.  

As seen in our classroom...

And as I was spending some time perusing Pinterest (a dangerous hobby for a teacher, I know), I happened to stumble across this sweet little picture:  

Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday, November 14, 2014

Reading:  Spelling test!
We also got to read the book The Pigeon Wants a Puppy.  My 
kids LOVE this series!

Math:  Math facts test
     +10 facts

Surprise! Double specials today!
     After PE, the kids watched a Berenstain Bears video about thankfulness in guidance.  They wrote a sentence about what they are thankful for.  I even had a couple thankful for Ms. Carter! : )
I have such a sweet bunch, really.  They can be so complimentary! If you ever need to feel good about yourself, but come hang out in our classroom! They brighten my day, everyday.  No matter how I'm feeling about myself or how stressed I am, they always seem to know what to say to me to make me smile.  I get told several times a day, everyday, that I am beautiful, that I have pretty clothes, that I am loved, or that I'm the best teacher in the world.  I don't think they can fully understand how much they have helped me through a difficult transition to first grade, but they truly have helped me to begin to love 1st grade.  They are such wonderful blessings to me this year; each and every one of them.  : )

Reading buddies
     This afternoon we were able to see our reading buddies again.  Speaking of a sweet bunch... my kids cheered for our reading buddies when their 4th grade floats were announced over morning announcements.  They also LOVE to see the 4th grade teacher who is our buddy.  They get so excited if they see her or her class in the hallway! 
     When our buddies came we started a project called... "If you lived with a Morgan student."  The 4th graders helped answer a question with my 1st graders such as:  If you lived with a Morgan student, what food would you eat? The kids then started drawing pictures to go with their answers.  Hopefully we'll finish the drawings this week and I can get my firsties to record themselves reading the answers.  I'll take a picture and record the kids using and then make a class book that we can post online!

     This project is based on the following two books:

If you lived with the Cherokee
     When I was in 4th grade I had my students to read through this book, choose 3 topics and summarize the information in paragraphs.  We then worked together to write an introduction and a closing to create a standard 5 paragraph paper.

If you lived with the Hopi
     We're doing this book as a read-aloud in my class and we're learning about the Pueblo and Hopi Indians of the Southwest.  

Thoughts from a 1st grade teacher...
So I'm trying to read some more to figure out how to better organize and teach guided reading and guided math.  I've dug up my teacher education textbooks and one of the first sentences that struck said that the teacher is on a "life-long journey to refine my teaching."  Is that what I'm doing? So we never really "arrive" do we? I just hope that I can continue to try to be better than I was yesterday, last week, or last year.

Other things to make us think...

The Highlight Joke: | The 25 Absolute Greatest Dad Jokes Of All Time

: )

Perfect Picture! A great one to use with yourself or others who may be struggling.

This seems true for some of the last two years... Let's hope it continues to be...

As I look back on my life

It's funny how reading something random online will make your check your mental monologue...

Picture of the day:
Myrtle Beach, SC from a helicopter...

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Today in reading we talked about different types of sentences.  This goes beyond just what is a statement and a question in 1st grade common core.  Instead the actual "grown-up" vocabulary is used:  declarative, explanatory, interrogative, and imperative.

I found an idea for teaching this lesson on the blog found here:

We started off by reading the book, Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus.  I really hammed it up today with the voices (mostly because I was so happy about feeling like I could breathe without wheezing again!) and the kids thought I... okay, the book was SO hilarious.  We wrote down some of the sentences from the book onto sentence strips.  We will use these tomorrow to review and then have the kids to copy down one example of each sentence into their reading notebooks.  They will then create their own examples of each sentence by using the pigeon book sentences as the model.  

I found this version of the book later in the day, but I still think my voices are better! Maybe I'll show the kids this one during snack time and get their opinion.  : )

We also read this pigeon book today:  The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog.  I think these books are going to be new regular favorites in our room!

Again, I like my reading better, but maybe I'm just thinking a little too highly of myself.  : )

I found that the kids can identify the different types of sentences pretty well, but the vocabulary is totally getting in the way.  Teaching a 1st grade the word interrogative? Really? They can barely pronounce it! But we're doing the best we can.  I told them that they would be able to use the "big words" to identify sentences soon, so we'll just have to keep reviewing.  I've found some mini-posters and an anchor chart to put up to help stand as reminders for the kids.  

We also said this chant over and over and over that I found on the blog I was searching:

"Declarative tells, Explanatory yells, Interrogative asks, and Imperative commands!"

Another one of my travel photos taken near the Israel-Lebanon border (January 2011)...
Man and The Mediterranean Sea:

Here is a video of my experience in Mesa Verde, Colorado this past summer.  It was such a good experience for me! I was totally nervous flying out by myself (because I've NEVER flown anywhere by myself before) but when I got there I met some great teachers.  I really enjoyed meeting the other teachers in my hogan and I knew it was so meant to be for me to be there.  One of the teachers has played piano for years, another was a newer teacher like me, and the last teacher has taught first grade for many years.  The first grade teacher was especially good for me to talk to after knowing I would find myself in first grade once the school year started.  She told me I would love first grade and I'm beginning to think she was right! : )

Anyway, the trip was focused on the archaeology of Mesa Verde so we got to go out on a dig and actually get in the dirt and search for artifacts.  Lucky me! I actually found something! I was digging around in the dirt, trying to keep the sweat out of my eyes in 99 degree desert heat and not burn my hands on the sand, when I happened to scrape my trowel across something white like limestone.  Well, I've seen white rocks before and I just assumed this was a rock.  You'll see in the video that I found part of a Native American bow shaper.  Apparently they would use this to lay the shaft of the bow across and fashion it into its proper shape.  So cool.  

We also got to visit balcony house, cliff palace, and spring house.  Balcony house was quite interesting - near vertical ladders on the cliffs.  Kind of scary.  I'll admit I was shaking a bit because those cliffs are steep.  Not because I have a fear of falling... I just have a fear of landing.  

Anyway, I'm going to show this to the kids as we do some archaeology activities with our 4th grade reading buddies.  

: )

Who knows where I'll go next summer!? I'm really excited to apply for several programs that will be held in San Diego, New York City, and Montana during the summer of 2015.  I think I've figured out ways that I can specifically apply the content I will learn there to 1st grade.  That's one thing about 1st grade... I feel like I have a little more room for creativity in how I can approach the content I will teach.  

I would also really like to figure out a way to find a grant for New Zealand (and possibly South Africa and Costa Rica in the future)!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Place Value Math Centers
RACE TO 50!!!

So for the past two weeks we have been working with tens and ones (place value) during math.  I just went to a wonderful math conference where I was able to get a TON of ideas.  This activity, called Race to 50 is one that I discovered at the math conference and downloaded from for FREE!!! That website is so amazing.  I get so many lessons and activities from that website and it has been a great resource for my first year in first grade!

The kids worked in partners and each had a tens and ones work mat.  They took turns tolled a die and then added that many cubes to the ten frame in the ones place.  Once they had filled up their ten frame, the could make a ten tower/rod and moved this over to the tens place.  The first person to get to 50/get 5 ten rods was the winner!

Check out the new floor mat I got for our classroom! I found it on (LOVE that site - it's way too dangerous for my pocketbook) and the kids seem to love lying on it to work.  

Okay, here is something I haven't touched in a LONG time.  Yes, I play the violin, but not very well.  It's something I've wanted to do since I was little, but it's definitely not something that comes easily to me.  I started in college and I pick it up every once in a while to mess around with, but my ear is not quite good enough for violin.  Piano is easier for me because the key played just is what it is.  
I started with classical violin, just like I did with piano and I have branched out a bit to play a little bit of bluegrass (which is a little easier I think, just a little).  I have since bought a better quality and prettier violin and bow than this one in the picture.  It was one of the first things I got when I started teaching.  I need to dust it off and bring it to class to torture... I mean entertain the kids! : )

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Out of the mouths of babes...
One of my firsties came up to me the other day, patted my shoulder, and said, "Ms. Carter, sometimes you just gotta let it go.  Just let it go."
I have no idea where this came from or even why this little bit said that.  But I just had to smile because she has no idea how appropriate that was to say.  

I'm learning.

Relax is the key word for me.  I need to learn to just leave it alone and move on.  Take a deep breath and just keep moving.  

I'm finally starting to get over being sick and the sickness seems to gradually be dying down among the little ones.  I'm learning that if you don't take time for yourself, your body will force you to do just that.  I tried to ride today but I couldn't canter or jump because I had NO energy.  I've been pushing too hard lately I guess and I still need to give myself time to regain some strength.  But it was nice to get out enjoy the last of the nice weather we're having.  

In our classroom...
1.  Reading:
We've been studying about responsibility in our Imagine It time.  The kids have enjoyed the shared reading of Pigsty by Mark Teague.  We started out in our first reading by talking about predictions while reading.  In our second reading we talked about inferring using the pictures.  The kids thought it was hilarious that the boy was visited by pigs when he wouldn't clean his room.  They were also floored when the pigs made a mess in the Wendell's room and he had to clean up his mess! That led to a great conversation about who has to clean up their mess in the classroom if they don't do it... 

Chicken 1 and Chicken 2 song - I found out about this song at the math conference I attended recently.  We do it hand motions and the kids are to be in their seats by the end of the song.  It so works! The kids LOVE it.  

We tried karate math, which I also discovered at the math conference, but the kids were a little too ninja-like with their kicks.  I'll have to rethink this before we try it again.  : )

In math we've been learning about place value, specifically working with tens and ones.  I've been able to find several wonderful centers on and the kids have been working with these in small groups for the past 2 weeks.  

This summer I was blessed to be chosen to go on a trip to Mesa Verde, Colorado with a NEH (National Endowment for the Humanities), which is a grant given to selected teachers to participate in different workshops around the world.  On this trip, I got to learn more about the Ancient Pueblo Indians in Colorado.  From this experience, I've gradually starting putting together a unit for my firsties about the Pueblo.  Since we study culture and history in 1st grade, I've been focusing specifically on the Pueblo to talk to the kids about how a different culture lives.  We will soon learn more about the Hopi Indians and we also have learned a little about the Powhatan as a comparison.  We will continue to learn more about Native Americans as we approach Thanksgiving.  

In honor of Veteran's Day, I read the picture book The Wall to the kids.  The kids then completed Veteran's day cards during morning work.  

A link to the book on Reading Rainbow:

In the afternoons we are still doing Daily 5.  This has been just about the only way I can get progress monitoring done.  I need to have the kids doing something that is not "busy work" and has educational value, but is also something that they can do pretty independently.  Because we've Daily 5 for a while, I can usually get a few minutes to test one of the kids.  

Just a few happenings from our room...

Have a great night, first grade!
Love, Ms. Carter

From week 11...

Pajama Day!
Friday, November 7

Another picture for fun...

This is a picture I took in Animal Kingdom last year.  It's great to be in the right place at the right time!