Friday, September 26, 2014

Oreo Stacking Challenge 2014!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Oreo Stacking Challenge 2014!

We had SO much fun today! The kids did a great job stacking their Oreos! Each student had two opportunities to try and stack as many Oreos as they could before their towers toppled over.  The kids were so excited to be able to try this and we learned some valuable lessons about trying your best and encouraging your friends.  There were a few tears because we wanted to be the best.  But we learned that this was more about trying to get the highest number for our class.  

We also were visited by five different school visitors! Some of the ladies from the office and our principal dropped by to stack cookies with us.  One of our Boosterthon team leaders even dropped by. The kids were thrilled! We weren't sure who would get to visit but the kids made predictions before we began and several of the kids guessed that our principal would stack the most.  

24 cookies!!!

They were right! Our principal stacked the most.

But wait for it...

Two of our firsties stacked...

24 cookies!!!

Later in the afternoon we continued our learning fun by completing an Oreo pictograph worksheet.  The kids learned about reading a graph that used Oreos for the number of cookies each student had.  They had to count the number of cookies and also do some addition and subtraction problems based on the graph.  

We started to make a graph of our data as a class, but we only got through making tallies for each number.  We'll use our bran new graph pocket chart on Monday to make a nice visual and then the kiddos will get to color their own graphs to record their data.  We've talked about how we can be scientists AND mathematicians during this process.  We made predictions, recorded our data, and now we are in the process of analyzing our findings and then making conclusions about what we could do better next time.  


Our class average was 18 cookies stacked.  I uploated our data to and I will show the kids that the average 1st grade stack across the U.S. was 17 cookies.  They'll be excited to see that they stacked more!

We got a special snack today because we ended the morning with more smileys than frownies.  It's been a while since we've done this so I thought the kids especially deserved their treat; particularly because it was an exciting morning and could have went south quickly! But they handled it.  : )

The kids got to choose 2 Oreo cookies from the following flavors:  

Ms. Carter's favorites? None of them.  : (
Why mess with a good thing? Of course it could just be I was so sick of smelling Oreos all morning...
: )

The kids enjoyed their snack however.  And surprisingly, we had a really good afternoon as well!

Other news from this week...

1.  Our pen pals in Ohio will also be participating in the Oreo challenge.  We are finishing our first letters to them, which will be mailed this week.  We'll also get to write about our Oreo experience and send those thoughts to them as well!

2.  Our next early release day is this Wednesday and our Boosterthon fun run will be coming up on Thursday! The kids keep asking when it is.  They come in every morning asking if the fun run is today.  : )

3.  Our band name for Boosterthon is JC and the 1st grade band.  One of the kiddos got confused and told the Boosterthon people that our band name was Jay-Z.  : )

4.  We read If You Give a Mouse a Cookie on Thursday to prepare for our Oreo day.  We brainstormed as a class our thoughts for our class book, If You Give a Kid a Cookie.  We'll get to practice reading this coming this week!

Have a great weekend!

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